The Myrmidon Legion Organization Inc.
TML (The Myrmidon Legion) was initially established in 2001-2002 as a group of 20-30 members in the game DarkSpace. As the game’s population declined, TML followed suit. During this period, Achilles and Challenger created a small TeamSpeak server to allow their DarkSpace friends to play random games and socialize.
After the decline of DarkSpace, the founders wanted to lead individuals and establish an in-game community beyond the games they played. They bought a website from Enjin and enjoyed the small TeamSpeak server that came with it. Over time, TML expanded and had to continuously increase the website size. They moved from playing client-hosted servers and MMOs to purchasing dedicated servers while still playing on member-hosted servers and MMOs. The original members still considered the group TML from the original game, but the founders didn’t view TML as a “Gaming Community” until the announcement of Star Citizen in 2012.
TML officially came into existence on October 8th, 2013, with a dozen dedicated members. Over the next several months, they organized their group, established its initial community structure, and worked out how their organization would operate within Star Citizen. However, when Star Citizen’s development was delayed, the founders and other members decided it was in their best interest to expand to other games and host what they could for others to enjoy.
In early 2014, after speaking with other leaders in the community, Achilles and Challenger decided to incorporate TML as a non-profit organization with the US government. TML filed its articles of organization on April 22nd, 2014, with the state of Connecticut and the US government, and was rebranded as “The Myrmidon Legion Organization Inc.” while still using TML or ML for short. TML’s paperwork was accepted, and it became a 501(c) non-profit organization. Off the record, TML became a multi-game and international gaming community.
Over the past 20 years, TML/ML has celebrated many triumphs and milestones together and has overcome many challenges. In 2022, TML began making changes to its branding, image, and infrastructure. All of TML’s divisions are now part of the same Discord server, and information and login details for the new Discord server can be found here:
Looking towards the future, TML hopes to continue to grow and establish a physical location that will be a gaming area for both tabletop games and online games. Thank you for taking the time to learn about TML, and they look forward to seeing you online!

The Myrmidon Legion Community Staff
We are comprised of Community members who volunteer their time to ensure a safe and wholesome environment for members of all ages, genders, and nationalities to play games together and otherwise interact with each other. Staff is organized into tiers with each division of the community having Division Staff members. Our TML general Moderators and Administrators watch over the entire Community. Our Community Administrators help staff members throughout TML in maintaining cohesion, respect, and safety within the overall community.

Star Citizen
We're a Lawful self-sufficient PMC organization that focuses on Mercenary and Exploration Work. Operating from any number of bases, the Fleet intends to be semi Nomadic making regular voyages throughout various systems. Through team play, we are tactics & focused. We promote player growth and progression through various Missions, Operations, Trainings, and casual game events.
You will have your choice of which task force you want to apply yourself in. Our Fleet is Javelin capable and contains multiple ships of the following classes Kracken, Polaris, Idris, Hammerhead, Nautilus, and more. Our Logistics Division contains ships like the Reclaimer, Pioneer, and Orion.

Do you like Exploration, Do you like Mining, Do you like Building? Creeper Run!…..No No No…(Boom).....Well, that's unfortunate anyway! Then we have the Minecraft Server for you! Medieval Minecraft is as the title says and focuses on Survival, Races, Jobs, Strong New Mobs, and Magic! Join us today and start your adventure!

The Orbita Crusade
TOC is The Myrmidon Legion's premiere Arma 3 MilSim Unit utilizing the collection of Warhammer 40k mods. With the unit fielding everything from the Imperial Guard's immense armory, the extensive vaults of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and the arsenal of the mighty Space Marines. The Orbita Crusade brings the entire force of the Imperium of Man to bear against the enemies of mankind. See the battle for humanity's domination over the stars like never before from the eyes of a guardsman, and fight the endless hoards of the Daemonic, the Xeno, and the Heretic. Live the life of a warrior of the Imperium and make your career what you want to be in The Orbita Crusade.

The Orbita Crusade Zeus Branch
We're dedicated to one thing, telling a story! We are the hands that change the stage, watching the players make memories with the trooper beside them. Hearing them tell others of how they faced immense odds to just walk away with nothing but a scratch or stories of how they were the only survivor and barely walked away at all. We are the eyes that watch them and the hands that guide the munitions to their location. But above all else, we are here all here to have "Fun".

Escape from Tarkov
Our squad focuses on FPS combat, working together as a team, achieving objectives, and completing tasks.
Anyone who enjoys a mix of hardcore PvEvP gameplay and high-risk high reward situations and would like to become better at FPS games is always welcome to join us.
With an in-depth customizable weapon system, gear, and armor playing an important role in your survivability and performance there's plenty to learn across the huge varied maps and terrain of Tarkov. We have lots of experienced members with 100's if not 1000's hours in-game that you can play with.

GTA 5 Roleplay
We bring a particular brand of controlled chaos to the State of San Andreas. Running with the QB Framework to bring jobs and a working economy to the shores of the island state. Between civilians going about their lives trying to make money, criminals trying to take the shortcut and cause chaos, and the venerable San Andreas State Troopers patrolling the state to keep it safe, there's plenty to see and do. With 100+ custom cars, expanding jobs, and activities. There's something for everyone on our server!

Ark Survival Evolved
Do you like getting eaten by Raptors?!?... neither do I…not again…not again…not again…. Ahem, anyways we have a simple mod pack that enhances the vanilla experience and gives more content and quality of life improvements. Our current Map is the beautiful Norse-inspired Fjordur Map that has new tameable Dino’s, and even custom realms to explore with unique challenges to overcome!

V Rising
Do You Have a thirst for blood?..... Gulp…Gulp…Ahem sorry just finishing a quick snack I was feeling peckish…Where to begin?... Ah, You awaken as a weakened vampire after centuries of slumber. You must hunt for blood to regain your strength while hiding from the scorching sun to survive. You will also need to rebuild your castle and convert humans into your loyal servants in a quest to raise your vampire empire. Make allies or don’t on our PVE server, fend off holy soldiers, and wage war in a world of conflict.

Do you like playing games? I sure do, however, I also like developing game servers and troubleshooting them when things go wrong. What about you? If you are interested in learning you can become a trainee dev. Why would you want to do this? Well, when you're not slamming your head against a wall over finicky code, you get to watch others enjoy all the hard work you and the DevOps team put in while recovering with an Icepack on your forehead. Ok jokes aside, it's cool to be able to make something you and others can enjoy. It also develops skills that can help with related career paths and as a staff member, you can put this experience on a resume, which is awesome!!!