The Orbita Crusade
TOC is The Myrmidon Legion’s premiere Arma 3 MilSim Unit utilizing the collection of Warhammer 40k mods. With the unit fielding everything from the Imperial Guard’s immense armory, the extensive vaults of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and the arsenal of the mighty Space Marines. The Orbita Crusade brings the entire force of the Imperium of Man to bear against the enemies of mankind. See the battle for humanity’s domination over the stars like never before from the eyes of a guardsman, and fight the endless hoards of the Daemonic, the Xeno, and the Heretic. Live the life of a warrior of the Imperium and make your career what you want to be in The Orbita Crusade.
Warhammer 3
The Myrmidon Legion has seen many games come and go over the many years. When a new game comes along and several people show interest we will get a group going to play together. New World is most certainly one of those games. Click Read More to see what other games we enjoy playing.
The Myrmidon Legion has seen many games come and go over the many years. When a new game comes along and several people show interest we will get a group going to play together. Minecraft is most certainly one of those games. Click Read More to see what other games we enjoy playing.
Star Citizen
We’re a Lawful self-sufficient PMC organization that focuses on Mercenary and Exploration Work. Operating from any number of bases, the Fleet intends to be semi Nomadic making regular voyages throughout various systems. Through team play, we are tactics & focused. We promote player growth and progression through various Missions, Operations, Trainings, and casual game events.
You will have your choice of which task force you want to apply yourself in. Our Fleet is Javelin capable and contains multiple ships of the following classes Kracken, Polaris, Idris, Hammerhead, Nautilus, and more. Our Logistics Division contains ships like the Reclaimer, Pioneer, and Orion.