GTA Feedback Form

TML GTA V Server Feedback

Thank you for taking a moment to provide us with some feedback!
We would like to take a moment to give a shout-out to our fantastic community of crime bosses, vigilantes, and all-around crazy individuals! Your feedback is more valuable to us than a fully-loaded armored Kuruma. Without your input, we would be lost in the concrete jungle of Los Santos, desperately trying to find our way back to the safety of the strip club. So keep the suggestions and feedback coming, and let's continue to make this server the wildest and most entertaining place in the entire GTA universe!


Please be as specific and concise as possible when providing your feedback.

Additional Feedback

Please be as specific and concise as possible when providing your feedback.

If you have any additional feedback, feel free to share it with us, but be warned - our developers are already on the brink of insanity from all the feedback we've given them so far. One more suggestion and we might just have to send them to the nearest mental health clinic in a stolen Ambulance.